Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why the Long Delay?

Keep Writing for eHow

So any of you have been following this writing blog for any amount of time know that this has been a pretty long gap between blog posts. There have been a few reasons for this. I don't intend for this blog to die - I enjoy writing about my experiences writing for eHow, and I enjoy helping others get a start.

But I haven't written nearly as much for eHow in the past month as I wanted to. The reasons are several. For one, I still have major ongoing issues with the personal and family life and that always comes first.

Second, there was the move. Thankfully I'm out of the old slum lord owned apartment with knife fighting neighbors and mutant cockroaches. I'm not kidding - it was a pit that smelled like mold day and night. Not looking forward to how living there for a year is going to affect my quality of life at the end. But we've moved into a much nicer apartment, three bedrooms, and helping my brother move in as he was just recently fired without cause (but his bosses claim to the community he walked away and are challenging his unemployment on that basis), so helping him move in, and then there was the carpal tunnel that struck hard last week.

Yeah. Carpal tunnel, the bane of writers and office workers alike. If you want a decent blog post on carpal tunnel and writers, check that one out. It's also a pretty good freelance writing blog, to boot. It slows down work drastically, not to mention that I have to work less and take care of myself to avoid doing permanent damage.

Which brings us back around to the current point. I was attacking my business plan with the results by volume approach. I know enough to know that if I just kept doing enough work over enough time then eventually I would get to where I wanted to be without having to get lucky or spend a ton of time figuring out perfect keywords or what have you. Not the best strategy, but I had "mini-strategies" in place which helped me to make sure my work was moving me forward.

But I can't work 16 hours a day anymore. Heck, I'm lucky to get in 8 actual work hours before carpal tunnel sets in, and as a writer who is used to being able to pump out volumes of work, this is really hard. So I have to spend most of my limited time on the projects that are most effective to the bottom line and to helping me achieve my goals of full time passive income.

So as much as I like this blog, it's going to see far less posts than it has before, because I don't make money off of this blog. As my wrists hopefully heal, then maybe this is something I can come back to. And there is plenty for me to write, including about the e-book I'm working on, and the strategies I've found that really help the SERP rankings for eHow articles, as well as for other sites you can make money off of.

But for now, I thank everyone for their patience and I'll see ya' later.

Monday, September 7, 2009

A Good September on eHow

So Far, So Good, Writing in September

The eHow goals I have for September are relatively modest. 3 articles a day, for 93 by the end of the month. As with all my online writing now, these will be articles that are written only after keyword research, and I'll post pictures with them as soon as eHow can get that freaking fixed (saving the long pointless rant for later). But the writing goes on, and the earnings for August matched July, which is really good considering August is generally the slowest online month out of the year.

So the writing continues, and I have the main few projects targeted that I'll be working on this month because I think they will provide the most potential income the most quickly. Some of my eHow articles won't be completely targeted, but the results from this website don't lie, and I'd be stunned if a year from now I didn't have a near full time income stream coming solely from my writing on eHow and the affiliate commissions those articles generate.

So for any of you who have found this blog but haven't started writing yet, get started now. There's absolutely no point in waiting. The sooner you start, the sooner eHow will help you get to your writing goals.

If you're interested in any of my recent work:

How to Avoid Dangerous Quick Weight Loss Diets

How to Find Affordable Bicycle Inner Tubes

How to Make Money as a Ghost Writer

How to Improve Your eHow Articles Using Comments

That's a brief tasting. Thanks for reading my freelance writing for eHow blog, but now get over to eHow and start writing!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Why SEO Matters Writing for eHow

SEO Matters for eHow Earnings

One thing that it doesn't take online freelance writers long to figure out is that SEO isn't just for Internet Marketing. If you are trying to make a living by promoting your website, or writing for sites like HubPages or for AdSense funded blogs, you know you must understand search engine optimization. It can be easy to assume that because many good writers on eHow make a good side income just from writing. But the best writers do their keyword research. I guarantee it.

Not every writer might get into SEO (Search Engine Optimization) the same way, but in some shape or form the best writers know how to study their results and figure out what articles are making them money and which ones fizzle out. Writing for eHow gives a writer a lot of lee way because the sheer authority that Google gives to eHow gets you a lot of traffic because eHow articles tend to rank very highly in the search engine rankings very quickly.

So why does SEO still matter when writing for eHow? Because if you can do really good keyword research to locate very profitable keywords that also have little competition, then you can write good "how to" articles around those words that will be very easy to get to the top ratings on Google. This means by targeting your articles, your earnings per article will be much higher and require less supporting work to get them there. It's much easier to get to a solid income if you make $5 an article per month on average than if you make 30-50 cents per article per month on average.

If you're an online writer, don't let a lack of SEO knowledge keep you from writing. It's better to write an article a day without any SEO considerations than to write nothing all. Just read this post about writers taking action now if you need a little kick in the pants. If you're going to be a freelance writer, you need to write. If you're going to make money as a freelance writer online, you need to learn SEO.

And if you're really a newbie and somehow you haven't heard of Courtney Tuttle and the Keyword Academy, I strongly recommend them. There's plenty of great information for free on that site, and the Membership section you can get into for $1 for the first month, and then it's $37 a month after that if you decide to stay. It's worth every penny. If nothing else, spend the $1 just to learn how they do keyword research. In my opinion that formula alone is worth several thousand dollars.

Then if you don't want to stay subscribed, fine, but that $1 would be the best you ever spend. Not only as a writer, but also the understanding of Internet Marketing and SEO they give you can really open your eyes to what is possible with making money online with your writing.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Brief eHow Writing Update

Writing & Moving

I've actually been pretty pleasantly surprised how many visitors my little eHow writing blog has received in the past couple months. It's not a monsoon by any stretch, but after doing no article marketing or SEO for this blog, I've been surprised that anyone has found it, much less a steady trickle of visitors. The kind words are also greatly appreciated.

If the freelance writing updates seem a little erratic over the next month and change, it's because I'm moving while still dealing with all the other messes that have been going on this year. That said, the testing is going along well, although I'll be the first to admit I haven't written as much on eHow as I wanted to. That doesn't mean I'm not getting writing done: I've finally reached the $100/month point with Google AdSense. Based on how much of that money was in the last 10 days, I pretty much KNOW that it's $100+ a month every month from now on. I think that's one of the great early milestones for making money online.

Other writing venues have done really well, and I've landed a couple of major freelancing jobs that take priority since: surprise, surprise, moving costs money.

Anyway, this was a brief note to let people know I fully appreciate the comments and the readers, and a very good blog post will be coming soon. Until then, keep on writing a variety of articles and hammer away. There are no short cuts.

Catch ya'll later, I'm off to do some writing before bed.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Brief eHow Update

eHow Writing Update

Well one of the things I really enjoy about online freelance writing is that sometimes you get a nice pleasant surprise. I thought that my earnings from eHow last month were nice, and I was hoping that based on some studying I was doing that maybe I had really figured out how to maximize my earnings on this site. To some extent, it definitely looks like I'm on to something, although to what level only time will tell. The one reservation I had was two "fluke" articles that had very little traffic, very little attention, and both produced $10 each in less than a month.

This was a very nice surprise, but without really solid search engine rankings behind either one, I have to figure that $20 as a one time thing. Even bracing for the hit my earnings could have taken this month, it seems that instead of being down twenty, I'm still going to break last month's earning records, and without a single "surprise" article that has picked up and done really well. To me, this is absolutely fantastic and shows that my body of work as a whole on eHow continues to pick up steam.

I'm also amazed at the pure strength of eHow as an authority site. Based on my findings, I'd say they outrank all the other writing sites by far. The second half of my recent series of surprises on eHow: odd articles across a variety of platforms are earning pretty nicely. Because of that I would definitely say to anyone interested in writing for eHow to join and start building up your future nest eggs today.

For those of you who want to see a little bit of what I've done since the last post:

How to Smoke a Cigar Properly

How to Find Great Carp Fishing Gear

How to Choose Between Liposuction Procedures

How to Beat Medieval 2 Total War with Hungary

And for the video game geeks out there (not insulting - I am one myself), yes, I fully realize that Medieval 2 is not the newest game any more, but it's still the one I know best.

Pretty diverse group. Obviously my goals haven't come to pass so far this month, but I am making sure to do something each and every day to move my freelance writing goals and my money making goals forward - and the testing on my little experiment is moving forward, so it's not like I'm being slothful or anything. Let's just keep hammering it forward.

Thanks for stopping by to read, and if you're a freelance writer who hasn't started writing for eHow, you'll want to get started now.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Returning to the Freelance Writing for eHow Blog

Writing for eHow Update

First off, an apology for not having been here for a while. In the beginning of July there was a major family emergency that is still actually ongoing and may be a very long term thing. Obviously family comes first, and for a month everything (and I mean pretty much everything) fell to the wayside. Now I'm making a hard effort to get back into the swing of things, starting with relatively modest goals for August that still put enough on my plate to work 18+ hours a day it seems like. Then again, I have a lot on my plate for many various reasons, but we're working to get everything set right and pointed in the right direction and right now that means getting back to a daily freelance writing schedule.

First bit of news: I'm going to be spending the next two months experimenting with eHow, article marketing, and another writing website. I did virtually no writing in July, but my passive income earnings went up almost 70%. So I checked over what I did in the month of June to see if there was something specific and different that I did that could have affected those dramatic results, and yes, it seems like I might have stumbled upon something HUGE.

This makes me especially eager to test, because if the results hold up and aren't just a coincidence or the result of two or three articles that just hit the keywords right, then this strategy is going to be especially geared towards (and effective for) freelance writers who are more into writing than SEO and Internet Marketing. This makes me particularly happy since I am definitely a writer first.

So the earnings update. For eHow alone, my income in June was $53.42, with almost 1/3 of that coming in the last week alone. Then in July when I was dealing with personal issues and not really marketing, link building, or writing at all? My income for July was $87.74 and is already looking higher for the month of August. Oh, yeah, my AdSense income went up by about the same percentage and my Amazon affiliate sales were right on target, as well. So it was a good month, and I'll be testing to see if my little "discovery" is indeed the main cause, and how scalable my new online freelance writing strategies are.

There aren't many new eHow articles of note. Most of them I've written since July 4th have earned me $0.00, so I'm in a bit of a slump now, but earnings from some articles I tweaked have jumped, and there are a couple newer ones that I think could be great for me coming up. If you're interested in reading some:

How to Choose a Non Surgical Liposuction Expert (some potential)

How to Learn from the Stoics ($0.00 so far, but I love the topic)

How to Lose Weight Following the Cambridge Diet (this one has actually shown some serious potential to be a $8-10 a month article if I can move it up the Google rankings a little bit)

How to Set Freelance Writing Goals for eHow (just seems appropriate for the blog)

That's it. I haven't done nearly the writing I needed to in July, nor the amount I wanted to. However, I'll be starting to get back into a writing groove in August and hopefully be at full shape in September, especially with all this testing I have to do now. And if it turns out my "discovery" continues to kick butt, you can be sure I'll let ya'll know shortly afterwards. Keep on writing, and keep on running towards your dreams.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Travel Article for eHow

Quick Writing Update

I have one article to add a link to on this update, as well as a few general updates to help anyone reading this with their own freelance writing goals on eHow. I figured for summer it would make sense beyond the gardening articles (both of which are actually doing quite well so far) travel articles also make sense, especially for the summer months when many traditional family vacations take place because of the time off from school. Even better, even single individuals tend to travel more during the summer. Travel is also a topic that I'm passionate about, so why not write some articles about traveling on a budget?

How to Travel Cheaply

This is my most recent travel article on eHow, and it earned 17 cents in one day, so hey, that was a nice little bonus since I always assume that with eHow a longer term outlook is the best way to go.

Other bits of promised news and update about writing for eHow:

"The importance of writing unique content." I had two articles removed from eHow based on not being original enough. This does NOT mean plagirized - this means that one article of mine was about how to create bookmarks on Mozilla Firefox, something I had trouble with. Turns out mine was one of quite a few articles on the same topic - and there's only so many ways to give the exact same steps and give the same instructions, so mine was seen as redundant. Ditto with another article of mine that was about a topic I wrote two articles about, and forgot about the first one.

I'm not mad on either - and this SHOULD NOT discourage you from writing for eHow. This is just an example of why you want to make sure you have something new to say in your articles as opposed to just re-hashing old information.

The second part is the payment update. With 132 articles written (the far majority of which were not at all based around keywords or practical useful solutions or "how to" topics), many of which are also really new, as well. As time goes by and links get gathered (which I'm getting to but haven't done yet) these articles will continue to make more and more. My monthly income went from $36.80 in May and jumped to $53.42 in June. If the first three days of July are any indication at all, it looks like I might even double June's numbers.

And I can't overestimate the importance of gathering backlinks. One article I wrote back in September kept getting $1 a month until only two backlinks pushed it to the top of Google, where it now makes me $6-7 a month. That's not bad. I don't expect that jump with most of my articles, but it just shows how much of a difference a few backlinks to each article can make. Imagine a $1 a month from each of these - that would be a $132 jump per month in passive income without writing any new articles.

If you haven't written for eHow yet, get started now. I wrote all of 5 articles in my first three months combined. The steady earnings they started getting me was exactly the excited push that I needed to really get going with eHow, and the potential here is incredible. So keep at it, and I'll be sure to update in the near future.

Monday, June 29, 2009

3 New Articles and General Update

Getting Back on Track Writing for eHow

Well this month's been rough. A few hospital trips, a lot of bills, and general disorganization later, my goals for June haven't come close to being met. It looks like I'll end June with around 50 new articles written for eHow, which isn't bad at all, though nowhere close to what my actual goals were. Still, summer's a long time, and it's a lot easier to get freelance writing goals finished when the health and moving issues have settled out.

Anyhow, since my last post I've managed three new articles on eHow, once again going for the broad shot strategy:

How to Build Blog Traffic

How to Find a Flair Bartending School

How to Learn Conversational Chinese Fast

These three hit across the board as far as topics, and once again I'm taking advantage of the great authority that the eHow site offers its authors to promote other products and ventures through the links allowed at the bottom. I broke my monthly affiliate earnings record once again, which makes something like 6 months in a row, and I'm confident that things are only going to continue to get better.

That's the brief update for now, with more to come soon. This was a very short post, but I'm trying to make up for a lackluster June with a stunning July, so every bit of time is precious and it's time to get writing again. Just remember for all of you freelance writers struggling with the passive income or residual income game: the more work you do now, the more it will pay off later. Keep at it, I'm pulling for you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

5 More to Finish the Weekend

5 More eHow Articles

This last batch, only one of which was actually a diet how to article. Some of these are gardening articles that I'm fairly proud of, and hope they have a legitimate shot at getting featured and making my mark on one of those $75 contests. That would always be a plus! Anyway, here are the last five articles that I typed on my laptop while out of Internet range for a weekend. A good 19 articles in two days, and all could have been uploaded in one day had it not been for that online limitation while I was back in Belle Plaine.

Anyway, here are the last five articles to what was an extremely productive weekend:

How to Lose Weight Following The Egg Diet

How to Keep Deer Out of Your Garden Naturally

How to Make Money By Using Peer to Peer Lending

How to Get Rid of Garden Slugs Naturally

How to Create a Good Home Workshop

This is a fairly decent spread of articles and topics, and I'm intrigued to see how these do. I've heard from many of the best writers on eHow that they get $1-5 an article on average per month. I haven't had a true "breakthrough" article to pull up the averages yet, and my general average is a lot lower: like $0.39 per article per month, but I have tons of new articles that haven't had time to rank on the search engines, and many of my more recent articles are already averaging $1 a month every month, so bit by bit my consistent earnings are growing.

In my head my goal is to break past $60 this month, and well over $100 next. Whether that happens or not, I don't know. Especially considering my over all writing goals for my passive income have me creating content like made through August, then doing virtually nothing but marketing and link building in September and October, meaning the true value of these articles is going to come out in the fall.

Well that's it for now. I'm back with Internet access for a while, so there will be more eHow writing updates in the near future.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Great Writing Weekend, Part II

The Second Batch of eHow Writing Articles

This is the promised update on the large amount of writing I finished over the weekend, which has kept me on track and a little ahead all the way through Tuesday. It was a good weekend, but I expect with a lot of these diet niche articles, it's going to take a few back links and a little bit of time in order to get them on the first page of Google, but once they are there each one is going to be a very nice monthly stream of income. I figure if they get anywhere close to what my best article gets, then I'll be very happy as the one diet eHow article I have on page one of Google right now gets me about $4-7 a month. If I can take that times twenty or thirty, it's nothing to sneeze at - especially since that is all passive income on eHow.

Anyhow, here is the second batch of articles I completed, all of which or weight loss or diet based.

How to Lose Weight Following the Martini Diet

How to Lose Weight Following the Hallelujah Diet

How to Lose Weight Following the Liver Cleansing Diet

How to Lose Weight Following the MediterAsian Way

How to Lose Weight Following the Dorm Room Diet

How to Avoid the Israeli Army Diet

How to Lose Weight Following the Ultimate Tea Diet

Some of these get quite a bit more traffic than others, but all of them find a few hundred a month on the low side, and some get quite a bit more. While many of these are older fad diets, I think that one of these actually has the potential to absolutely take off because its full potential hasn't hit yet. Whether or not that will happen remains to be seen, but if it does I'm hoping by then that my article will be poised to reap the benefits of that traffic surge.

Since eHow has also continued its gardening contest for June, I'll be writing a lot of gardening articles. This could be good on two levels. First, many top level eHow writers say that the gardening topic produces some very good earnings for articles. The second is that with the contest going on, if any of my gardening articles are good enough and/or fortunate enough to get featured, that's a $75 bonus. So here's to writing and hoping.

The hardest part with writing over the summer like this is that the majority of results won't be seen for 3+ months, and often times full results could be even later. Still, the early signs are very encouraging to me so the writing will continue, and maybe a lucky bonus will be in the cards along the way.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Great Writing Weekend, Part I

Exceeding eHow Expectations

This limited Internet is becoming extremely frustrating, but there's only so much I can do about that for now. Right now I'm not only keeping up with my eHow writing goals, but I'm also blowing past them. Granted, I'm not keeping up with my HubPages or Constant-Content writing goals, so there is some suffering going on there and I have a lot of "pay now" freelance work to help with the rapidly approaching move across the country.

Still, this is encouraging and even with the articles out there I'm watching them improve monthly bit by bit with no effort on my part. Once I get to start marketing some of these articles I think the potential will go through the roof. The other thing I've noticed is that I'm getting a lot better at picking article topics that will make a little bit of quick money with their initial indexing. Over half the articles I've wrote since the end of May earned me income within the first two days.

There are a LOT of eHow articles to get to seeing as how I typed 19 on my laptop over the weekend when I had no Internet access, so here are the first 7.

How to make the 2468 Diet Work safely

How to Lose Weight Following the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

How to Lose Weight Following the 3 Apples a Day Diet

How to Lose Weight Following the Coconut Diet

How to Lose Weight Following the Jerusalem Diet

How to Lose Weight Following the Chocolate Diet

How to Get a Loan with Peer to Peer Lending

As you can see, the far majority of these articles are on diet and weight loss plans, including several fad diets that aren't nearly as saturated with web writing as some of the main ones like negative calorie foods, Mediterranean Diet, or Atkins. I'm hoping that with the relative strength of eHow as an authority site, some good internal linking practices from all my diet articles to one another, and with a little bit of marketing maybe a lot of these articles can end up on page one of their niche, maybe get me $5-10 a month. That might not seem like much, but there are literally hundreds of fad diets out there, so this could become big.

The last one is an article for personal finance - which many people have said is a good niche. I've seen steady returns, but low returns, from that niche thus far, but you always send out feelers.

In related news, from my hometown library and some garage sales I found some killer gardening books full of amazing tips and I'll really get to push this summer and see if that gardening niche is as high an earner as many people say it is.

That's it for now. Happy writing, and keep on keeping at it.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Quick eHow Writing Update

Quick Writing Update

This is a very quick update. Only two more articles for today. Even with the earnings trackings always being a little slow at the very beginning of the month, the early earnings look good, and a couple of the new articles are showing earnings from the first day of June. The limited Internet access is definitely slowing me down right now, but I'll have a lot of articles written out for eHow on Monday, I'll just have to transcribe them online. It's a little slower than being able to post as I write, but every little bit helps.

Anyway, I have two more articles published on eHow, which are:

How to Survive a Bear's Attack


How to Retrieve Your Number from a T Mobile Cell Phone

And I think beginning writers can learn a couple thinks from this odd couple pair of eHow articles. First, the "survive a bear's attack" is phrased that way for a very specific reason: no one else had done it. There are about a dozen articles on how to survive a bear attack, and every variation thereof, but no one had an apostraphe s, so that's what I claimed. Not only does this make it easy for me to pick out my own article whenver I add to the "Search for Related Articles" with any of my future eHow articles, but this also has me as the only eHow article going for that very specific search term. This is the type of thing you need to learn as an online writer.

The second article I'm actually curious about. It's technical, it's useful, and it seems like the kind of article that wouldn't get any income at all. Then again, I thought the same thing about "How to Set Up a PayPal Account" and "How to Fix Task Manager When the Tool Bar Disappears" yet both seem to consistently earn my $1+ per month. Considering all these articles took less than 12 minutes to write, I'm really curious to see if this one keeps up the trend.

Other than that, weight loss articles have been pretty consistent earners for me, so I'll be searching for some diets or weight loss angles that haven't been beaten to death already. That's all for now, keep on writing and I'll see you at the next update!

Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5 Morning - Still Looking Good

eHow Writing Update

Well the freelance writing and passive income quest continues, and so far so good. Currently not only is it challenging to get my writing in every day for this and several other blogs, not to mention my crazy summer writing goals, in my current location I have very limited Internet access: 8 hours at most Monday-Thursday, 4 hours on Friday, and none on Sunday. So the updates might not be daily, but the writing is going well. I still have 3-4 eHow articles to write today to make my daily goals, but I've kept up with every day so far - and the 4 a day average would also give me 40 beyond my goal by the end of summer, so I'm in good shape.

Here is a list of the eHow articles I've written since my last update:

How to Learn Italian Fast
How to Make a Perfect Mediterranean Omelet
How to Pick a Heavy Duty Flashlight
How to Set Up a Summer Travel Blog
How to Identify Sunstroke
How to Learn Conversational Spanish Fast
How to Make Low Carb Stir Fry
How to Start Improving Self Esteem
How to Find Old Friends
How to Sell Fiction Online
How to Sell Poetry Online
How to Learn Conversational Japanese

So my daily goal of 4 per day is holding well, and I will write more tonight to post tomorrow, seeing as I'll run out of Internet time before I can get all my actual writing done today. Still, this is steady progress, and I know it's going to pay off a lot more down the line - especially once I do some link building and article marketing to get these articles to actually rank higher in the search engines for the keywords I'm targeting.

And as always, the nice thing I like about writing for eHow is that writing articles not only increases your eHow income - but those articles all represent more affiliate links, more Amazon affiliate items, and more Clickbank affiliate links and items that are getting actual trafic and are going to convert into more sales over the long run.

That's the update for now. Expect another one in four or five days or so, as I continue my freelance writing for eHow in pursuit of residual income.

Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1 Ehow Goals Met!

4 More eHow Articles Finished!

Well you know the old saying about every journey beginning with just one step? That was part of the mentality I'm taking with trying not to get overwhelmed by my goals, especially with everything that's competing for my time this summer. So the first step in completing my eHow goals for the summer was simple: get four articles done on day one.

That's it. Don't look ahead, don't get bogged down in research or perfect monetization, just get four new articles written and published, and then posted in the eHow forums to help them get their first backlinks and more quickly indexed in Google.

Done and done. The topics are varied, but each has some affiliate sales options, and a very wide array of topics. So day one is going with the scatter-shot method. Those four articles for the first day are:

How to Learn German Fast
How to Write a Great Dystopian Novel
How to Stop Recurring Nightmares
How to Land a Government Job

One of these has a Clickbank product, as I'm trying to test the waters with these, and there was plenty of opportunity for some Amazon links. These are a wide array of articles that fit into four different categories, so we'll see how these do.

So day one of summer's eHow writing efforts are good. I went four for four, and all of these are eHow articles that I'm proud of. That's it for now.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

May Is My Best Month on Ehow

Update: eHow was Good in May

This summer I'm definitely going to be hitting the writing schedule much harder to get those articles out for eHow. I wrote two eHow articles on the 30th: one article on How to Learn Effective Self Defense, which was partially inspired by a hub I wrote on HubPages about Learning How to Brawl, and another eHow article that is titled How to Identify and Treat Sun Poisoning. These two articles are a nice combination because they're so diverse. The self defense article is an evergreen topic that is going to be good now, in winter, and year after year since self defense is always and issue. The sun poisoning article I think will still be good year after year, although better for late spring and summer. This is one that I could see doing really well in summers if I can hit the first page of Google.

I will probably write a couple more articles tonight, and I'm eager to see what my final income for May is. Already, I know this is my best month by quite a percentage, and the earnings haven't updated in at least a day (or today, either). These two articles put me at 92 articles total, and I've only written 8 articles this month. Not counting these last two, which have been online less than 24 hours, 5 of my 6 May articles already show earnings - which is fantastic as since with anything online time is your friend.

Right now my total for May stands at $35.42, and I suspect that number will increase by a couple bucks before payment. My April earnings were $25.90, and my March earnings were $21.24. This is a nice jump considering I've basically wrote for eHow whenever the whim hits, and haven't done keyword research, haven't concentrated on higher money making topics, and haven't done any promotion. Making this investment could really sky rocket the earnings, and everyone on eHow seems to agree that the longer an article is online, the more traffic it will get, and the more income it will make. The number game is also a big difference maker.

The other nice side effect I've noticed with writing for eHow: putting in some Amazon affiliate links has helped me go from $3 a year selling for to $10 a month consistently. That's a very nice bonus. So what if I write good keyword based articles in money making categories every day for the entire summer, and include affiliate links with all of these articles? There are many writers on eHow who make several hundred dollars a month in passive income, and a couple of the best who even make a full time living off of eHow.

The self defense article I wrote for eHow also has started another experiment: using Click Bank products as well as Amazon affiliate products to see if having a lot of links on a lot of eHow articles will bring in another stream of income. We'll see over the next few months if this can be as successful as Amazon has been, and how the numbers change when I go from 90 unconcentrated articles to 400 researched, well written, and promoted articles.

A lot of people estimate earnings on eHow from $1-5 per article per month, on average, given a long period of time. I've found mine average $0.39 an article, not including all the extra affiliate sales. In defense, I've had very few articles up for long periods of time, and the 6 month and one year time frames do have a big impact on the search engine rankings of articles.

So that's it for now. As the summer comes in, my goal is a minimum of 4 articles a day, every day, over the summer. We'll see how well this plays out with the move and everything else, but that's the over all goal for the summer.

Welcome to My Ehow Writing Journey!

Writing for eHow

This blog is all about my time freelance writing for eHow, and how my impressions of this website have formed, changed, and how this site has become a main part of my strategy to working towards a full time passive income online. I have been writing for eHow for several months now, and have done so for long enough to get a good feel for eHow. I hope this blog will be helpful to other writers as you follow my progress writing for eHow.