Writing & Moving
I've actually been pretty pleasantly surprised how many visitors my little eHow writing blog has received in the past couple months. It's not a monsoon by any stretch, but after doing no article marketing or SEO for this blog, I've been surprised that anyone has found it, much less a steady trickle of visitors. The kind words are also greatly appreciated.If the freelance writing updates seem a little erratic over the next month and change, it's because I'm moving while still dealing with all the other messes that have been going on this year. That said, the testing is going along well, although I'll be the first to admit I haven't written as much on eHow as I wanted to. That doesn't mean I'm not getting writing done: I've finally reached the $100/month point with Google AdSense. Based on how much of that money was in the last 10 days, I pretty much KNOW that it's $100+ a month every month from now on. I think that's one of the great early milestones for making money online.
Other writing venues have done really well, and I've landed a couple of major freelancing jobs that take priority since: surprise, surprise, moving costs money.
Anyway, this was a brief note to let people know I fully appreciate the comments and the readers, and a very good blog post will be coming soon. Until then, keep on writing a variety of articles and hammer away. There are no short cuts.
Catch ya'll later, I'm off to do some writing before bed.
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