Saturday, July 4, 2009

Travel Article for eHow

Quick Writing Update

I have one article to add a link to on this update, as well as a few general updates to help anyone reading this with their own freelance writing goals on eHow. I figured for summer it would make sense beyond the gardening articles (both of which are actually doing quite well so far) travel articles also make sense, especially for the summer months when many traditional family vacations take place because of the time off from school. Even better, even single individuals tend to travel more during the summer. Travel is also a topic that I'm passionate about, so why not write some articles about traveling on a budget?

How to Travel Cheaply

This is my most recent travel article on eHow, and it earned 17 cents in one day, so hey, that was a nice little bonus since I always assume that with eHow a longer term outlook is the best way to go.

Other bits of promised news and update about writing for eHow:

"The importance of writing unique content." I had two articles removed from eHow based on not being original enough. This does NOT mean plagirized - this means that one article of mine was about how to create bookmarks on Mozilla Firefox, something I had trouble with. Turns out mine was one of quite a few articles on the same topic - and there's only so many ways to give the exact same steps and give the same instructions, so mine was seen as redundant. Ditto with another article of mine that was about a topic I wrote two articles about, and forgot about the first one.

I'm not mad on either - and this SHOULD NOT discourage you from writing for eHow. This is just an example of why you want to make sure you have something new to say in your articles as opposed to just re-hashing old information.

The second part is the payment update. With 132 articles written (the far majority of which were not at all based around keywords or practical useful solutions or "how to" topics), many of which are also really new, as well. As time goes by and links get gathered (which I'm getting to but haven't done yet) these articles will continue to make more and more. My monthly income went from $36.80 in May and jumped to $53.42 in June. If the first three days of July are any indication at all, it looks like I might even double June's numbers.

And I can't overestimate the importance of gathering backlinks. One article I wrote back in September kept getting $1 a month until only two backlinks pushed it to the top of Google, where it now makes me $6-7 a month. That's not bad. I don't expect that jump with most of my articles, but it just shows how much of a difference a few backlinks to each article can make. Imagine a $1 a month from each of these - that would be a $132 jump per month in passive income without writing any new articles.

If you haven't written for eHow yet, get started now. I wrote all of 5 articles in my first three months combined. The steady earnings they started getting me was exactly the excited push that I needed to really get going with eHow, and the potential here is incredible. So keep at it, and I'll be sure to update in the near future.

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